Bible Text: Genesis 2:18-24 | Preacher: Ashely Shook | Series: Love Handles It takes 2 to become 1
Bible Text: Philippians 2:1-4 | Preacher: Ashely Shook | Series: Love Handles We are more important than me.
Bible Text: Hebrews 10:19-25 | Preacher: Ashely Shook We are better when we are together
Bible Text: Jeremiah 42 | Preacher: Ashely Shook | Series: Persevere Fear is a matter of misplaced focus
Bible Text: Jeremiah 29 | Preacher: Ashely Shook | Series: Persevere When you are waiting, God is working
Bible Text: Jeremiah 20 | Preacher: Ashely Shook | Series: Persevere A tested faith is a trusted faith
Bible Text: Jeremiah 2 | Preacher: Ashely Shook | Series: Persevere Distractions can be destructive
Bible Text: Jeremiah 1:1-10 | Preacher: Ashely Shook | Series: Persevere When God enlists He enables
Bible Text: Matthew 5:13-16 | Preacher: Ashely Shook | Series: Work Don't hide who you are
Bible Text: Romans 12:14-21 | Preacher: Ashely Shook | Series: Work Allow supernatural responses to overpower your natural reactions